Monday, August 19, 2013

Long time!!

Hi guys!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy this summer with work and some other things. But guess what!! I'm working on a website for you guys! YAY!! I'll be able to share much more with you all and it will be complete organized and easier to use and navigate! So stay tuned because I have so much in store for you! :)) 
Thanks for your patience 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Kick Off!!! Fashion Trend Alert

Hi guys! It's been a while since I've updated my blog BUT I'm finally back! Wooh! Let's start off with the summer trends :) 

Lately bright neon colors have been see. everywhere during the hot season.
Though the houndstooth patten has made its way into a summer trend- according to H&M. 
This black and white pattern adds flair to an outfit. You can dress it up or keep it casual. The repetitive pattern catches the eye and makes you stand out... In a good way of course! You can add a colorful accessory if you want to add more pop to the outfit.
If your looking for items with this pattern try H&M, Forever 21, or Love Culture. These shops always carry fab prints like this.
 This is my houndstooth crop jacket I bought a few months ago (in January) from Forever 21. It was on sale and I got it for around $10! ( this was when I was in my black and white obsessed phase ) haha but hey! It fits the summer trend so I am ready to go!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bahamas Vacation - Color inspiration

Sorry I've been away for a while...
I just recently came back from a cruise trip to the Bahamas!!! It was amazing! The sand on the beaches were so soft and white. The oceans were a marvelous clear aqua blue; you could clearly see through the water! The weather was very nice, too!I visited the islands of Nassau and Freeport. Both islands inhabited happy, friendly people. Al of the buildings were colored too: pink, yellow, blue, orange. It was unusual to me but it made me so happy. The pastel colors were uplifting... all the government buildings are pink! I thought that was kinda funny... idk why but ya.

The colors and ocean scene were a good inspiration to spring and summer wardrobe. Even though we are in winter currently we can still think ahead! haha as usual, bright and fun colors are a go to for the warmer seasons. Flowy outfits, dresses, shirts, and skirts work as well (you'll get less hot). As for now, that's all I got for the upcoming seasons... I'm just going to focus on winter!

I don't have my pictures with me at the moment, but here's an image I found of Junkanoo Beach, Nassau, Bahamas.